Saturday, November 16, 2013

Blessed with Friends from a Lifetime

Last night, I met up with three friends of thirty years for a reunion dinner (our third this year). Over the years, our lives have changed. Jobs (we all met at UPS back in the 80's), marriages, kids, dating and relationships -- but we've stayed in touch in one way or another, sometimes not as often as we'd like. But -- there remains a strong bond of friendship between us -- and a history.

It's rare though, in this day and age for key friendships to transcend time. It's a special bond that can't be broken as we always pick up where we left off. It's catching up on current events in each other's lives, reminiscing on the past and talking about taking a trip to Europe together. And we laugh and we laugh.

This digital world makes staying in touch so much easier since our friendships began in the days before email, computers, smartphones and Facebook. I am thankful and feel blessed to have these amazing friends in my life -- then, now and as we grow older.

Reminds me of a quote by one of my favorite artists (and name of one of my Savannah's) Georgia O'Keefe.

Georgia O'Keefe once said, "Nobody sees a flower really; it is so small. We haven't time, and to see takes time - like to have a friend takes time".

And that it does -- TIME to have and to keep a friend.

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